About our heaters work?

Wall panel heaters use NATURAL CONVECTION TECHNOLOGY to heat the air in a room. This means that when you switch your heater on, the air on ground level which is normally the coolest air, will move between the heater and the wall. The heater will warm the air and the hot air will rise towards the ceiling and travel along the ceiling. Once the air has cooled, it will then move down towards the floor creating a circular air flow motion to warm the room at a comfortable temperature.

What is Natural Convection Technology?

  • Warm air produced between the heater and wall rises.
  • Once the warm air has risen it travels along the ceiling until it starts cooling.
  • The cooler air is forced downwards and back through the heater creating the convection current.

Save up to 50% of Your Home Heating Costs: Amaze Heating's flat, wall panel heaters are ENERGY EFFICIENT, consume 0.4 KW/HR, and cost only 4.2p per hour based on average energy cost in the UK. Our studies have shown that this convector space heater will lower your energy bills by as much as 50% by using the principle of zonal heating and will keep the room with constant ambient warmth and they're so easy to install! 

Our company offers the most efficient and greenest options for home heating.


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